The situation on Gangava was a feint, with the bulk of the Thousand Sons prepared to descend upon Fenris and level the Fang itself, ostensibly in retaliation for the Burning of Prospero.The real reason Magnus had conceived of this plan, however, was not to simply strike at the Space Wolves out of revenge – although most of his legion were lead to believe this – but to prevent the Space Wolves from creating The Space Wolves had shelved their plans to create Successor Chapters after the disastrous failure of their only previous attempt, the Thanks to their sorcerous powers and influence over the The orbital stage of battle was overwhelmingly one-sided, with Fenris’ orbital gun platforms reduced to 20% strength after less than an hour, and the main defense vessel, the With the blockade in place, around twelve hours after the death of the This tactic meant that the Thousand Sons ground forces could land relatively – but not completely – unopposed. The being that stood up before the Great Wolf on the hillside was no longer recognisable as the primarch of the Thousand Sons of old; now Magnus appeared as a man-shaped solid coalescing of warp-energy, the only clue to his identity being the single, baleful glow of an eye that glared out at Ironhelm. Two ancient enemies clash once again.DNF. You can't help but get involved with the characters because the action is so intense. Magnus paused, recognising the aura of Bjorn's soul as one he had sensed on For Harek Ironhelm had arrived, his drop-pod purposefully impacting on the very peak of the Fang itself. © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2020.

This book is the revenge of the Thousand Sons, as they stage an assault when the Space Wolves are drawn away, leaving only an ancillary group, 10% of the Chapter to guard the Fang.

On a side note, the only aspect of the book that I did not like, without giving anything away, was the "forgetfullness" of Magnus which made the final battle somewhat anti-climatic for me. Even as Great Wolf Harek Ironhelm closes on his ancient enemy, the Fang on the Space Wolves home world is besieged by a massive force oIt is M32, a thousand years after the Horus Heresy. Despite some successes, the weight of numbers bore against the Space Wolves and the tactic was quickly given up before unnecessary casualties were taken.

Leaping downwards, he smashed into the combatants just as Magnus was preparing to kill the Fell-Handed, knocking all three of them off of the cliff-edge. That being said its not the greatest bit of writing I've ever read either.

During the course of the book we take the perspective of the commanders on both sides of the battle and a few other warriors on both sides caught up in the bloody, from a hot shot Blood claw warrior. The situation on Gangava was a feint, with the bulk of the Thousand Sons prepared to descend upon Fenris and level the Fang itself, ostensibly in retaliation for the Burning of Prospero. Through out the book "Battle of the Fang" there is a great amount of action that still supports the story. We’d love your help. „Battle Of The Fang“ ist genau das, worauf man beim Beginn der Space Marine-Battles-Reihe so sehnsüchtig gewartet hat: ein epischer Roman voller Tragik, Verlust, Rache, voller Wut, Zorn und Vergeltung. I am a huge Thousand Sons fan and I expected a fair bit out of this story. You can unsubscribe at any time It was different from other space marine novels I've read in that it portrayed them as flawed and capable of poor decision making. Thousands of years after the Wolves razed the Sons' homeworld of Prospero the hatred still burns.In the Warhammer 40k universe there are few enmities that run deeper or burn hotter than the one between the Space Wolves and the Thousand Sons. When Magnus the Red is tracked down to Gangava Prime, the Space Wolves hasten to engage the daemon primarch. I can't stand Space Wolves, and I know little of the Thousand Sons / SW history (I'm 4 books into the Horus Heresy, so I know it's there, but ....). So I question, why send an army when you could send one person to do the same task.

By all accounts he won, definitively.

This is definitely not literature, and I don't think it ever thinks of its self that way. During that time, however, Herume Aphael made sure the defensive wards of the Fang were continually located and destroyed, eventually weakening the anti-sorcery miasma enough that Magnus the Red himself could finally manifest…using the unwitting Aphael as his host.Magnus, having ordered Ahmuz Temekh to break orbit and lead the fleet away no matter what happened on the surface of Fenris, immediately made to execute his plan, his whole reason for instigating the invasion of Fenris in the first place; the destruction of Thar Hraldir’s Magnus’ arrival in the Fang had not gone unnoticed; down at Borek’s Seal, Odain Sturmhjart had felt his manifestation and could detect his sickening presence in the levels above. Apart from their fleet, their remaining non-Astartes Legion resources were used up and cast away.

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