Japanese Bobtail cats are quite an ancient breed, having been depicted in Asian art for centuries. ジャパニーズ・ボブテイルの胴体はすらりと細長く、筋肉質でありながらも決して大きくはなく、運動に適した体型を持つ。脚も同様にほっそりとしているが、頑丈である。 また前脚に比して後脚のほうがやや長めであり、より筋肉質に見える。 ジャパニーズ・ボブテイル(英: Japanese Bobtail)は、日本猫を起源とするネコの一品種である。ポンポンのように丸まった短い尾が最大の特徴である。 The Japanese Bobtail is one of the oldest naturally occurring breeds of cat and is native to the islands of Japan. There is no sure way to say they originated in their namesake country, and some records indicate the breed may actually be Korean or Chinese. The recessive gene paired with the shortened tails is not associated with any spinal or bone abnormalities. Just like any animal, there can be a number of different health problems that could be related to the genetics. From written records it seems certain that the domestic cat first arrived in Japan from China or Korea at least one thousand years ago. There is a Japanese statue of a cat with its paw in the air called Maneki Neko (translates to 'beckoning cat') and is an artist interpretation of the bobtail.

Some cat registries permit pointed or sepia-tone coats. The Japanese Bobtail is a breed of domestic cat with an unusual bobtail more closely resembling the tail of a rabbit than that of other cats. The breed has been known in Japan for centuries, and it frequently appears in traditional folklore and art. Au Japon, on trouve des représentations d’un chat très semblable à l’actuel chat Japanese Bobtail(dessins, statues, temples ou gravures) dont certaines remontent même à plus de dix siècles. They are very attentive, alert felines that notice a lot.While legends and superstitions may have favored the short-tailed breed, it seems likely that the Bobtail simply has a longer history in Japan than other recognizable breeds. His unusual tail is as individual as a person’s fingerprint and no two are identical. The variety is native to Japan and Southeast Asia, though it is now found throughout the world. Its coat is easy to groom. The Japanese Bobtail symbolizes good luck in his native land and is one of the oldest natural breeds. The tricoloured, Mi-Ke (pronounced 'mee keh') is known as the luckiest colour for this breed. 両側の頬がゆるやかな曲線を描く均整の取れた三角形の輪郭に、鼻の先端から頬までにかけて、2本の平行線がはっきりと目立って通っている。耳は大きく直立しており、先が丸みを帯びている。 高い順応性をみせる賢さを持ち、人懐っこく、飼い主の言葉にもよく反応するなどペットとして非常に適している。ネコ達のグループ意識も高く、新しいネコを加えるなどしても比較的早く適応し、母ネコが数年たって自立した仔ネコに対しても世話をやくなど、多頭飼いもしやすい短尾はこの種の特徴であり、他種で生じうる背骨や尾骨の奇形に由来するものではない。 遺伝的に健康な種で、仔猫時死亡率は低く、病害抵抗性は他種に比して高い。 Le chat était représenté avec la patte avant gauche levée en signe de salut, dans des statues en céra… These statues are common in many Japanese shops as they are thought to attract good people.The Japanese Bobtail is a recognised breed by all major registering bodies, with the exception of the While harlequin and van patterns (color on the crown of the head and the tail only) and solid white, are favored by many, any This breed has a minimal to medium amount of shedding, due to its short fur. This being said, the Japanese Bobtails are generally healthy cats. It is also likely to have carried much prestige, having originated on the On a également trouvé des documents anciens qui en parlaient, mais sans bien préciser la forme générale ou la longueur de la queue. As in most other breeds, Japanese Bobtails may have almost any color (or colors, arranged in any number of patterns). Japanese bobtailで始まる言葉の漢字辞典の検索結果。 - 80万項目以上収録、例文・コロケーションが豊富な無料英和和英辞典。 一致する情報は見つかりませんでした。 検索のヒント 条件(「で始まる」「で一致する」等)を変えてみてください。 Predominantly-white One theory of short-tailed cats in Japan indicates that they arrived from the In 1968, Elizabeth Freret is the first known person to have imported the Japanese Bobtail to the The Bobtail cats are considered to be a lucky breed and to own one promises prosperity and happiness. Recent scientific studies on cat genetics led by researchers has indicated that the Japanese Bobtail breed ranks amongst one of the most genetically diverse of pedigree breeds.Rarely, a Japanese Bobtail, especially a predominantly white specimen, may have Generally speaking, members of the breed are active, intelligent cats, with a strongly human-oriented nature, are easier to train to perform tricks than most breeds, and are more likely to enjoy learning human-mediated activities like walking on a harness and leash, and playing fetch.

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