The Sun is the largest object within our solar system, comprising 99.8% of the system’s mass. Of course, Anaxagoras could not prove his theories, which in any case were considered heretical, and so led to his banishment from Athens.It wasn’t until two millennia later when the Scientific Revolution (1550-1700) gave way to the Enlightenment (1685-1815) that advancements in science and telescopes meant that the precise nature of the stars could be determined. The Night Sky This Month: September 2020 In ancient Greece, early scientists such as Thales of Miletus (624-546 BC) first started to suspect that the Sun was not the deity Helios (Apollo) driving his chariot around the Earth, but was instead merely a round fiery ball hanging in space. Its spectral class is GV2, with the G2 indicating a surface temperature of roughly 5505 °C (5778 K); and the V indicating that the Sun is an active star on the Naturally, such an important supreme being commanded awe and respect.In ancient Egypt, for instance, the falcon-headed Ra was worshiped as the king of the gods. He subsequently devised the first We now know that the Sun is a yellow dwarf star composed of around 73% hydrogen, 25% helium, and 2% heavier elements, such as oxygen, carbon, neon, and iron. The element helium was named after the Sun (called "Helios" in Greek) because it was first discovered on the Sun. It gives us light so we can see. The first images from ESA/NASA’s Solar Orbiter are now available to the public, including the closest pictures taken of the Sun. Excited by perturbations in the Sun’s magnetic field, the waves propagate upwards carrying, Alfvén reasoned, 1 percent of the Sun’s radiated energy. It’s classified as a yellow dwarf star.

NASA’s STEREO-A spacecraft captured these images of comet ATLAS swooping by the Sun. It’s got a very similar luminosity. J. Norman Lockyer, the British astronomer who discovered helium in the sun, traveled to India for the December 12, 1871 total solar eclipse. In 2009, NASA launched a sounding rocket to measure helium in the Sun's atmosphere.The results were recently published. Though massive, the Sun still isn’t as large as other types of stars. Meanwhile, on the other side of the world the Aztec of Mesoamerica offered human sacrifices to Huitzilopochtli, their god of the Sun and war, who was depicted as a blue man wearing armor and a hummingbird feathered helmet.In Hinduism, the world’s oldest existing religion and still practiced by over 80% of Indians, the Sun is still considered to be the deity and is associated with the god Surya, the dispeller of darkness.The ancient Greeks believed that the Sun was the god Helios, who each day would drive his fiery chariot across the sky. [ August 31, 2020 ]

Lockyer was convinced that the corona is the outermost atmosphere of the sun, but detailed understanding of its true nature still eluded him at this time. As he wrote at the time:“The composition of our own star and world is the same as that of as many other stars and worlds as we can see.”In other words, it seemed reasonable to him that the Sun was merely another star, and he subsequently made a distinction between “suns” which generate their own light and heat; and the “earths” and moons which revolve and are nourished and powered by them. [ July 11, 2020 ] Not until 1904 was a documented solution offered. As of June 2020, NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory – SDO – has now been watching the Sun non-stop for over a full decade. Its gravity holds the solar system together, keeping everything from the biggest planets to the smallest particles of debris in its orbit. Kepler-160’s radius is a tenth bigger than the Sun. In 1890 Joseph Lockyer, who discovered helium in the solar spectrum, proposed a meteoritic hypothesis for the formation and evolution of the Sun. Nearly 25 years since its launch, data from SOHO has led to the discovery of well over half of all known comets. He discovered this concept by using his telescope. Scientists have discovered a potentially habitable exoplanet and its star that are a “mirror image” of the Earth and the sun. Director, NASA Planetary Science Division: From the Sun (helios = Sun). In fact, it would take almost another three centuries before the invention of the spectroscope would prove the precise scientific composition of these stellar bodies, and that the Sun is undoubtedly a star.In 1666, Isaac Newton showed that a prism separated white light into a spectrum of its constituent parts, rather than creating the rainbow colors that are seen.

[ June 7, 2020 ] If you're Superman (or a fellow Kryptonian), your powers are heightened by the yellow glow of our Sun, and you can even dispose of dangerous materials like Superboy once did, by hurling them into the Sun. [ July 1, 2020 ]

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