Its berries taste a bit like pineapple, but are less tasty, and there are not very many on each plant. Water Related Problems. It has no flower, only can you tell if thy have flowered if you just got it.I have the pink quill and it is leaves are turning brown. The main kinds of bromeliads available as houseplants are the types that grow easily in soil.

By using The Spruce, you accept ourRed, green, purple, orange, yellow, banded, stripes, spots, other combinations The Kuppersmith home renovation project follows the extensive renovation of a two-story, Tudor style home built in 1926 in Mobile, Alabama. Don’t be surprised as it dies out from the center, you may even be able to twist the rotted center out and away from the babies. Bromeliad plant problems usually start with water. Bromeliads are tolerant of low light, can be watered from overhead in their central cups, and feature ornamental foliage and beautiful, if infrequent, flowers. Popular as a striking houseplant with a lifespan of about 2 to 3 years, bromeliad comes with broad, succulent leaves and colorful foliage, flowering only once in its entire lifetime. In a natural growth cycle, a mature plant will send up a flower spike that includes small, sometimes insignificant flowers surrounded by showy bracts. Soil. However, the parent plant will send out one or several smaller pups at its base. Below you will find a list of the different members of the family. I tried moving it out on the porch, where it got sun in the afternoons. Waiting for it to turn pink and so on again. Potted varieties include Billbergia, Cryptanthus, Guzmania, and Neoregelia.

… My all time high number is 9 babies from one that flowered. Here are four of the best bromeliad plants to grow indoors. Their infestation is characterized by appearance of fine webs on the underside of your bromeliad leaves. This save the mother plant from drying up and it bears more pups as usual.Thanks for sharing your experience with the community, Carmen!the leaves of my Bromeliad are losing color, though still perky. Some can withstand full tropical sun while others will quickly scorch. Just click and look, and you will discover all the different Bromeliads at … I water it once a week through the center cups of the plant and it is in direct sunlight and loving it.I believe that you have a “AECHMEA” species,there are also 3 similar plants w/different names. When viewed from above, the entire flower head takes on the shape of a star, giving the plant its name. In the wild, they typically grow on trees as epiphytes. ThanksIs it possible to grow from seed? Fascicularia is the only bromeliad that can be grown in frosty areas. Bromeliads multiply by sending up offsets, or pups. Bromelia, the plant which gives its name to the family, is the only other bromeliad with edible fruit. How to care for your Bromeliad

Plants that are yellowish might be receiving too much light while plants that are dark green or elongated might be receiving too little light. These pups can be carefully cut off with sterile scissors and potted individually. In nature, bromeliads' roots are adapted to clinging onto trees. If they are bloom stalks, what should be done to get them to blossom?I have a pure White Bromeliad about a year old -why is this white ?Same Q as Dawn. The leaves arise from the center cup, which is designed to hold water. Now, this is not a bad thing if you are taking good care of it, and it is the type which throws off babies. I live in Encinitas CA.

The roots and leaves of plants grown in containers will absorb nutrients and water, so it won't be necessary to fill the central cup at all.

Can I remedy thisNow, after reading this I know why my Bromeliad passed on-wish I had read this before repotting the plant.What is the best way to support a bromeliad flower to keep it from breaking at the bottom?

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