We produced him and decided we needed to stop producing. https://www.cbsnews.com/video/bill-flanagan-responds-to-ok-boomer Which is why "OK, Boomer" is so devastating.

Perhaps I can see it more clearly as an Xer, but generational infighting only serves those that foment it.“OK Boomer” was trademarked two weeks ago, but no… that’s not newsworthy.From Boomer to Zoomer, all have been subject to brainwashing….It’s just a matter of time and failure before the rinse and repeat cycle kicks in.“Now get off my lawn”. A little humor in the right contexts is fine, but no good can come from serious blaming and shaming. It’s us old “Drunk Uncles” who are standing up for American citizens. She also has a Master of Philosophy in Modern English Literature.The vast majority of which have drunk the communist kool-aid on social ideas and all keep thinking that “this time my vote will change things for the better” for fn’ decades.

It's fashionable; it's political.Twenty-five-year-old lawmaker Chlöe Swabrick, giving a speech about a bill to reduce carbon emissions, And it's usually fired in ALL CAPS, because it's aimed at folks who need to squint to hear the message: Baby Boomers.

of our ), the Great Society, the Vietnam War. Success is like a chimney construction. It is gone. My brother went and straightened that mess out only to be told that at 6’7″, like the reason my dad was not drafted for Korea, the service would not accept him unless he volunteered and he would have to buy his uniforms and shoes. Milleneials are a flip of the X-er numbers, as are the Gen-Z. And “lots of experience” in government means generally that you are a life-long parasite and criminal.Enter your email address to subscribe to The Burning Platform and receive notifications of new posts by email.We’re on an imprudent, unsustainable fiscal path, … The status quo is not an option and we’re not going to grow our way out of this problem and the sooner we get started the better. Air Date: Dec 1, 2019 GREATEST generation, they claim? I asked him “what is wrong with that?” If the wealth is THEIRS, why shouldn’t they do with it what they want? December 2, 2019 9:41 pm. In the '90s, my Gen Xers (born between 1965 and 1980) had "Talk to the hand" and "Whatever…" which demonstrated indifference in a benign, sitcom-y way. That they choose to continue to blindly believe the lies of the government, the mainstream media, their worthless government teachers, and their worthless college professors, is FULLY ON THEM.
We rightward thinkers need to help the reasonable Millenials & Z’ers move forward.As a late X’er I think my generation has plenty of gripes against the much larger and dominant The last “youngster” to be president was murdered by the ruling elite/deep state. Look up Larken-Rose The Most Dangerous SuperstitionConcur. X-ers are about 2/3 workers, and 1/3 louses. It was a bit irritating having him explain that while “Okay Boomer” doesn’t apply to his father and I, it is directed at people who have accumulated wealth, retired and disconnected from society, and have no intention of producing anything for the rest of their lives. Why are the “over 65” a decreasing percent of disabled and the 18-64 represent the largest percent of disabled? Watch CBS News anytime, anywhere with the our 24/7 digital news network.

And today’s generation has never had more access to the truth than any other generation. Much like the climate change liars, I think people take a look at the statistics with an AGENDA in mind, then they set the cutoff dates to meet THEIR goal. Typical. And, you know what? The schizophrenia of wanting “fresh blood” while also demanding “lots of experience,” is a failing of a vast majority of the voters.
Faith Salie on the cheeky putdown “OK, Boomer” Featured News.

It becomes, in the eyes of the receiver, “their” money.As it… “When I gets mah check this month, I am gonna get me some of that weed over in Illinois.”SS was designed as a Ponzi scheme to make people think they were “saving” for retirement, when in fact, the government was collecting from everyone who worked in the private sector (government employees don’t have to pay SS taxes), giving a small portion to the few who were of retirement age and spending the rest. It's fashionable; it's political.Twenty-five-year-old lawmaker Chlöe Swabrick, giving a speech about a bill to reduce carbon emissions, And it's usually fired in ALL CAPS, because it's aimed at folks who need to squint to hear the message: Baby Boomers. Which is why "OK, Boomer" is so devastating. Although I despise eating out at restaurants, so not much interaction with table help.I am a boomer, I have more money than God and all Millennial put together. https://www.cbs.com/.../faith-salie-on-the-gen-z-putdown-ok-boomer- )“He claims that the only way to address the corruption of our elected leaders is to eliminate the idea that we need them.”I defy anyone to present a cogent, intelligent argument explaining how/why we DO need these high falutin parasites in order to prosper. Faith Salie on the Gen Z putdown "OK, Boomer"... 02:48 The phrase "OK, Boomer" has become the generational shot heard 'round the world. But the "OK, Boomer" kids are not voicing indifference; they're Look, we all know you're not right just because you're young. We don’t elect people on their ability to govern. ?FYI, the Boomers were about 1/2 and 1/2 conservative vs hippies. I’d hoped Trump would make a real difference. But that 1/3 will shape the future of the 21st century.

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