I certainly feel more confident now that the step is lowered. ""As usual job well done. Staying put should be considered as an option in the young person’s care plan and pathway plan. I am very satisfied with the response I receive from Staying Put and find everyone very helpful especially as I am having a problem getting around now.

It certainly has improved my life. Putting you in that situation is potentially a breach of health and safety law and may spread coronavirus to people in high-risk groups.

Thank you for sending the man to do all the jobs that he did he was a very nice person. You do not need to get a note from a GP.

MA Education is part of the Mark Allen Group. Staying put is an arrangement where young people remain with their foster carers following their 18th birthday, and was endorsed by government and formalised in the Children and Families Act 2014. We have our own Handyperson for small jobs but for plumbing, electrical and for other larger work that needs to be completed we have reliable, local and trusted contractors who are approved, work to quality standards and offer value for money. Thank you very much. ... you can get an isolation note to send to your employer as proof you need to stay off work. Staying Put work hard to keep the labour charges for the Handyperson service as low as possible.

One of our team will visit you in your home, and can carry out a Health and Safety Check and advise you on what work needs to be done and if necessary can refer you on to other schemes that you may benefit from (subject to eligibility.)

5. Staying Put is a great help to me as I am elderly and disabled. Being in a job, or staying in college, means that you have someone else imposing work and deadlines on you, and you’ll get fired (or dropped from school) if you don’t do the work.

I would like to thank them for all they have done and still do for me. St Jude's Church, Dulwich Road, Herne Hill, London SE24 0PB, a company registered in England and Wales no.

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We can also offer guidance on whether the cost is reasonable.Regular visits will be made by the Staying put Officer to check that the work has commenced on time and is running smoothly. With many thanks to all involved." Putting your body in motion not only can help circulation and digestion, it can also release endorphins to dramatically improve your mood. Synonyms for putting to work include using, exercising, exerting, practicing, practising, implementing, drawing on, bringing into play, bringing to bear and playing on. … It really is a first class job. ""I find it very comforting to be able to rely on Staying Put for problems which occur in the home. 04002826. There is no separate, distinct staying put assessment process. “Staying Put did not just help, it changed our lives”"The work was carried out with efficiency and kindness. These loans are interest free and are deferred until the property is sold. To continue using our website and consent to the use of cookies, click click 'Continue'. We are happy to help clients apply for assistance with paying for the work. ""I cannot thank you enough for my new step. Informal arrangements had been in place for many years, but the legislation brought with it extra funding and a renewed national drive to do better for young people leaving care.The following tips highlight good practice in staying put arrangements – the legislation and guidance, what works for young people and carers, and how carers can best be supported:© MA Education 2020. All Rights ReservedCritical reflection: how to develop it in your practiceMulti-agency working: setting up a professional network around a familyOur website uses cookies, which are small text files that are widely used in order to make websites work more effectively.

Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience.Staying Put, a Home Improvement Agency run by Swale Borough Council offers advice, support and help to the elderly and disabled, who are owner occupiers or private tenants and who need practical assistance to repair, adapt or improve their homes.Staying Put can assist you in managing the whole process, removing any anxiety or worries, with work carried out with the minimum of fuss.For residents of Swale who need assistance with those minor jobs around the home that would prevent a fall or are a safety issue, for a small fee the Staying Put Handyperson Service may be able to help you, such jobs include:Staying Put can help around the home with the following tasks:Staying Put work hard to keep the labour charges for the Handyperson service as low as possible.

Staying Put can assist in getting estimates; assist in filling in forms and overseeing the work for these loans. Due to a system upgrade, some of our online forms won't be available between 4.30am and 7.30am on Saturday 5 September. The contractor was efficient and polite and cheerful. Research has linked shift work to a number of health problems including weight gain, blood sugar issues (diabetes) and heart disease. This does not mean we can guarantee the standard of work, but it does mean that examples of workmanship have been seen by Council staff and standards of services are being monitored. Support may also be offered beyond 21 once the staying put arrangement has ended. Again many thanks. For example, if you are having trouble getting around the house, in and out of the home or bath we may be able to help you apply for Disabled Facilities Grants.We will find out if you are entitled to a grant from Swale Borough Council and help with the necessary forms and estimates.You may be eligible for a Home Repair Loan / Grant if your property does not meet the decent homes standard and you are on a means tested benefit. Therefore, staying put is one option in the planning process for leaving care.

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