So the red ones have got polka dots, greens got stars, yellow has stripes and blue is squares or something. Overwatch Montage ft.The Bastion God Kolorblind (Kolorbastion the World's Best Rank 1 Bastion) • Subscribe: • Submit your epic plays: [email protected] • Credits ... More Reviews ›› Visit Site › 51 3 Architecture - Linux Bastion Hosts on the AWS Cloud. Kolorblind's Recent Highlights. And I was like, “dude, this looks like the coolest game ever! Kolorblind. I think maybe I had like one or two viewers, and I used that every now and then.

That was crazy, like dang, five people are watching me play this video game.

If she’s good enough at Bastion to contribute to her team and end up in GM/Top 500 to boot, what’s wrong with her being a Bastion main? Find their latest Overwatch streams and much more right here. I go out there and I’m starting to fight, and I’m pretty good at shooters. But after about a couple months of that really small viewer count, I eventually made a big accomplishment in Overwatch. I couldn’t see the enemies, I couldn’t see their health bars, there was just a lot of red going on my head and I had trouble with that. Kolorbastion 77 points 78 points 79 points 10 days ago . .. FJ Colors Bastion: The Meme Machine.

And I’ll be like, “oh man, they’re in the star section, or they’re in the striped section, it’s easy mode.” That’s how you do it. Video length. I smiled so hard when she said it and everyone in the comments was niceTwitter probably has a better policy regarding harassment, i'd argue thats mostly why. And then I get to the Tritanopia filter, and I’m like, what this? I’d be like, “hey look, watch me play this new war game.” It wasn’t really a big stream. As in, if you see, witness, lay your eyes on the Bastion… that does not mean you have a “Right” to kill him more than he has to kill you. It was when comp was still a new mode, the whole one-tricking heroes thing was a pretty big deal. So I was like, “does the game have a colorblind mode or anything?” My brother was like, “well, it has one, it’s not very good though, you can go take a look at it”.So I opened it up and I go through the Protanopia and the Deuteranopia filters and I’m like man, these are kind of cool, they don’t change the game that much. So I always tell people that go, “why are these colors so messed up?”, and I’d be like, “well, this is the colorblind mode in the game. Views. 25:57.

Apex Legends | 219 views | 4 months ago.

It’s pretty annoying when someone one tricks Bastion and doesn’t contribute to the team as much as much as their teammates but clearly she knows how to play him effectively. I like to post educational videos about Bastion as well as clips from my stream! Or am I misremembering things?I’m the #12353452563553356 Lucio if that counts for anything ¯\Better be the #1 Rein to get that pirate ship comp goingIt's refreshing to see so many of the replies on Twitter being generally positive about it, asking pronouns and encouraging her to be awesome instead of cutting her down.It's definitley inspiring to see gamers of all people not be asses.Have you watched the coming out on stream ? But that’s when I started playing a lot more Bastion in competitive and that’s when I started realizing, dang,  I’m actually kind of good at this. So two years went by of that just kinda going back and forth, and now Blizzard finally did.I’ve got a bunch of older siblings, and they all are super into video games, so when the game first came out, they were all playing the closed beta for Overwatch. And my siblings were like, “oh that’s the Tritanopia filter, don’t use that one.” So I tried to play the game just without a filter for a while. And so anyone can look at the colors, like okay, they’re in the green section so I’ll go over there. But it’s a four player split-screen shooter where your characters are invisible so the point of the game is to look at other people’s screens to see where they are on the map to try to shoot them.It’s pretty baller, but since the game is about screen watching, the maps are laid out into four sections of four colors: red, blue, green and yellow.

So I got pretty popular just because of that alone; like on Reddit and Twitter, mostly YouTube, honestly is where I got a lot of my viewers. Well yeah, those are just my colors.

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