This book is specially created to give you in-depth practice and accurate test preparation for the Verbal Reasoning measure. Text Completion questions include a passage composed of one to five sentences with one to three blanks. This 2-book combo—Official GRE Verbal Reasoning Practice Questions Volume 1, Second Edition, and Official GRE Quantitative Reasoning Practice Questions Volume 1, Second Edition—allows test takers to do their best on test day and save money in the process. Official GRE ® Verbal Reasoning Practice Questions Volume 1, Second Edition. 150 real GRE Quantitative Reasoning questions and a thorough review of math topics provide in-depth practice and accurate test preparation. About half of the measure requires you to read passages and answer questions on those passages. This 2-book combo—Official GRE Verbal Reasoning Practice Questions and Official GRE Quantitative Reasoning Practice Questions—allows test takers to do their best on test day and save money in the process. Since the aye-aye is so different from its fellow primates, however, it was given its own family: Daubentoniidae. The people of Madagascar believe that the aye-aye is a type of spirit animal, and that its appearance is an omen of death. 150 real GRE Quantitative Reasoning questions and a thorough review of math topics provide in-depth practice and accurate test preparation.

Know what to expect on the GRE Verbal Section and take the test with confidence. Chapter 6 – Mixed Practice Sets. Further research then revealed that it was more closely related to the lemur, a member of the primate order.

We pulled these practice questions from our book Cracking the GRE and from our GRE prep course materials. E. — unsympathetic to Answer Key 1.

You receive no credit for partially correct answers.Sentence Equivalence questions consist of one sentence with six answer choices.

Here’s what you will find inside:

The aye-aye has been listed as an endangered species and, as a result, the government of Madagascar has designated an island off the northeastern coast of Madagascar as a protected reserve for aye-ayes and other wildlife.Long before Western science became enthralled with this nocturnal denizen of Madagascar’s jungles, the aye-aye had its own reputation with the local people. Some or all of the passages have been adapted from published material to provide the test taker with significant problems for analysis and evaluation.

Get ready with 150 REAL GRE ® Verbal Reasoning questions — direct from the test maker!

When combined with the loss of large swaths of jungle habitat, this practice may result in the loss of a superb example of life’s variety.Take a GRE practice test with us under the same conditions as the real thing. Our products and services measure knowledge and skills, promote learning and performance, and support education and professional development for all people worldwide. Text Completion questions include a passage composed of one to five sentences with one to three blanks. The other half requires you to read, interpret and complete existing sentences, groups of sentences or paragraphs.The passages that appear in the Verbal Reasoning measure have been selected by assessment specialists as representing the kinds of reading typically encountered by graduate students.

Click on the links below to get a closer look at each, The official practice tests from the maker of the test gives you the experience of taking the real, computer-delivered GRE General Test and more!Approach test day with more confidence, knowing you can send the scores that show your personal best — only with the To advance quality and equity in education by providing fair and valid assessments, research and related services.

(A) Taxonomic classifications are not always absolute. This 2-book combo—Official GRE Verbal Reasoning Practice Questions and Official GRE Quantitative Reasoning Practice Questions—allows test takers to do their best on test day and save money in the process. (B) The traditional religion of Madagascar involves augury.

One such animal is the aye-aye. The questions are in the separate book titled, “GRADUATE RECORD EXAMINATIONS® Official GRE Verbal Reasoning Practice Questions, Volume 1.

(C) There are no longer enough resources on the main island to support the aye-aye population. Practice Set 3.

GRE Text Completion Practice. Your job is to choose the two answer choices that logically complete the sentence.Called by some the “island that time forgot,” Madagascar is home to a vast array of unique, exotic creatures.

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