61. 261+6 sentence examples: 1. Who is kidding whom that a middle-size country such as the United Kingdom is sovereign in the modern world? 73. Example from the Hansard archive.

Example from the Hansard archive. English The royal coat of arms symbolises the monarch as the source and fountain of justice, and it symbolises the presence of the sovereign's majesty. Example from the Hansard archive. Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English Significantly, in such a society, the sovereign's right of death existed for the sole purpose of protecting and, therefore, sustaining his own life. When you take two sovereigns out of a man's pocket, one for local taxation and one for national taxation, it matters very little to him how they are applied. Whatever the sovereign's personal predilections, "he was bound to respect and support in his public office all the recognised religions of the people with a certain measure of impartiality". Example from the Hansard archive. Notes are encashable in legal tender money, which includes sovereigns and half-sovereigns as well as rupees and subsidiary coins. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the Long-lasting notions of civic liberties clashed with the claims of town authorities to rule as sovereigns over their townspeople. In addition, on the title page of each volume of the statutes the sovereign's name will appear as it does at present. The coins in this case were 46 sovereigns and 46 half sovereigns.

However, as a result, many people no longer understood what they were paying for anything, when 17 shillings became 85p instead of 1.7 new pounds, sovereigns, or whatever. Example from the Hansard archive. English

It was a number of years before Canada was accepted by the world as a 45. Example from the Hansard archive. Example from the Hansard archive.

Is it not a fact that people who collect coins in this country are entitled to buy the sovereigns if they are advertised in this way? Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the The protection of sovereigns when sojourning abroad is often carried out in part by officers of their own country. Example from the Hansard archive. No, it is orders we want, not inflation; and no debased sovereigns to replace the paper pound. Love is a sovereign remedy for unhappiness. The heading covers half sovereigns as well as sovereigns; the number of coins imported is not recorded. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the

The sentence contains offensive content. Unhappy it is for those who have the sovereigns; happy it is for those who have the commodities. Although human beings can predict solar eclipse in advance, yet, from ancient times, sovereigns have all regarded them as warnings to be fearful. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the From the viewpoint of indigenous leaders these titles acknowledged their positions as sovereigns. Finally, what about the idea of a millennium issue—a retail issue of gold, not sovereigns? {{#verifyErrors}} {{#verifyErrors}} The former refers to a political system where the national government is What he has got is not like sovereigns in his pocket, but sovereigns in the bank. More than that, we are not sovereigns of the mandated territory. Money is metaphysical in its character; it is not a pile of sovereigns in the vaults of a bank. The idea of the sovereignty of the people was to him utterly abhorrent, and even any delegation of sovereign power on his own part would have seemed a betrayal of a God-given trust. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the Neither would it absolve the consciences of either individuals or sovereigns from obligations of wider scope. Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. He took a bag of sovereigns and half-sovereigns. {{#verifyErrors}} Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the

Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the A treaty is something which is entered into between independent sovereigns. The citation was done in this way with the sovereign's name followed by the calendar year and the chapter number. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the

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