Four identical omni-directional sensors under a hemispherical shading canopy. I have followed all appropriate research reporting guidelines and uploaded the relevant EQUATOR Network research reporting checklist(s) and other pertinent material as supplementary files, if applicable.The data is available and uploaded as supplementary material.Thank you for your interest in spreading the word about medRxiv.NOTE: Your email address is requested solely to identify you as the sender of this article.The copyright holder for this preprint is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity.Enter multiple addresses on separate lines or separate them with commas.This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.Impact Of Temperature and Sunshine Duration on Daily New Cases and Death due to COVID-19Impact Of Temperature and Sunshine Duration on Daily New Cases and Death due to COVID-19 All rights reserved. Campbell devised the idea of a glass sphere filled with water to act as a lens to focus sunlight and scorch a wooden surface, originally the wall of the sphere’s wooden container. 2 However, according to Iqbal (1983) the actual threshold depends on the humidity of the recording card and may vary from 70 W/m 2 for a dry climate to 280 W/m 2 for a very humid climate. The following is a list of cities by sunshine duration.Sunshine duration is a climatological indicator, measuring duration of sunshine in given period (usually, a day or a year) for a given location on Earth, typically expressed as an averaged value over several years. The tables below pull together figures on the amount of sunshine each of the largest cities in the United States usually has in a year. It gives off energy as light.That includes light, infra-red energy (heat), ultraviolet light and radio waves.
Results: The average maximum temperature, and sunshine duration was significantly associated with COVID-19 confirmed cases, deceased and recovered. Conclusion: Higher average temperature and longer sunshine duration was strongly associated with COVID-19 cases and deaths in 138 countries.
Average sunshine duration was inversely correlated with increase in daily new cases (ρ= -2261) and deaths (ρ= -0.2985). For example, the Campbell–Stokes recorder, which is commonly used for the measurement of sunshine duration, will not record sunshine below a certain threshold. Average sunshine duration was inversely correlated with increase in daily new cases (ρ= -2261) and deaths (ρ= -0.2985). Some regions experienced up to 40% more sunshine than average. For every one degree increase in mean average temperature, the confirmed, deceased and recovered cases decreased by 2047(p=0.03), 157(p=0.016), 743 (p=0.005) individuals. It has no moving parts and uses 3 photo-diodes with specially designed diffusers to make an analogue calculation of when it is sunny. Should there be no sunshine then no hole would be produced, low intensity sunshine (potentially at sunrise and sunset or partial clouding) may only produce scorching to the card.To factor in the changing position of the sun throughout the year, different shaped strips of card are used, typically 3 shapes are available.At the end of each day the card would be removed and the duration of sunshine calculated by measuring the length of the holes made in the card, tools are available to improve the accuracy of the reading.While ingenious for its time, the Campbell-Stokes recorder has several draw backs. By suspending the ball in metal clamps and making a metal ring with grooves in to firmly hold the card, Stokes improved the design in to one which produced measurable and accurate results.

Background: The coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) control has now become a critical issue for public health. For a start, sunset and sunrise holes were not always well formed and on days when the sunshine was patchy a level of interpretation by the person reading the card was required, these could cause great discrepancies in the sunshine duration.

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