I love the way they're written, so you can understand their point of view and their reasons for doing what they do. [ Some of it. Had I read the series back-to-back I may have loved each book equally.. Maybe. It sort of reads like Supernatural fan fiction crossed with Twilight and the Hunger Games with a dose of something like Saw.
Résumé : (Trad' BdP) L'Ultime Espoir est la conclusion explosive de la trilogie bestseller Penryn et la Fin du Monde de Susan Ee. Check out the lineup of new movies and shows streaming on Netflix this month, including A teenage werewolf falls for a girl, who helps him find a way to become human. The author did an amazing job.Imagine the thing you believed to be a holy blessing, turned out to be an evil curse. With all the action you need, but relief with the crazy moments and romance. while I understand the appeal of both of those things separately, the older I get the more the second part squicks me...Wow, one of my new absolutely favorite series I've ever read. I love the way they're written, so you can understand their point of view and their reasons for doing what they do. Now I want coffee. Ils détruisent le monde, éradiquent l’espèce humaine.Dans San Francisco dévasté, Penryn, 17 ans, doit sauver sa jeune soeur, enlevée par ces monstres. Unfollow. I want that world, those characters, that emotion back - but it's over. Anyways, the story is awesome, one of my all-time favorites. At times it reads more like adult horror fare than YA, but it's only a couple of scenes.

Very much. In this post-apocalyptic world some people are being fed to monsters and it's a disturbing scene [ there's a mention of married women so desperate to get food that they try to get work as prostitutes for the angels. Sa mère est atteinte d’une maladie malade, la rendant à la fois paranoïaque et dangereuse ; sa sœur, de son côté, est en fauteuil roulant… Le fait d’avoir une mère paranoïaque l’a pourtant préparé, d’une certaine façon à cette vie : l’imprévisibilité, l’inquiétude… Et surtout le fait d’avoir été inscrite pendant des années à des cours d’auto-défense !Avec sa mère et sa sœur, Penryn arrivait à se débrouiller.

I LOVED these books. Her books have been translated into over twenty languages, and her short films have played at major festivals. I loved the main character, Penryn, because she's the epitome of a strong female character. De même que Penryn, une jeune fille préparée à survivre, forte, et capable de se battre.

She used to be a lawyer but loves being a writer because it allows her imagination to bust out and go feral. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. All of the characters, even the bad guys, are really well-written and I love them all. I listened the Audibles for this series, and did so practically back-to-back. Malgré tout, le début m’a laissée un peu sceptique, notamment parce que cela me rappelait un certain nombre d’autres séries YA et dystopiques. Published I only count this trilogy as 1 book because they're fairly short installments. When warrior angels fly away with a helpless little girl, her seventeen-year-old sister Penryn will do anything to get her back.

Science-fiction, Fantastique. Certes, on a le côté émotionnel surtout grâce à la relation entre Penryn et Paige, ainsi que celle avec Raffe. Même si le monde des anges n’est pas encore assez développé à mon goût (je croise les doigts pour les tomes suivants), Susan Ee nous livre un univers malgré tout assez complexe, efficace et plutôt original. I read the 3 book series within four days, I finished the final book (End of days) last night, I have been thinking about this book all morning that I have just decided to re-read the series again but at slower pace to so I don't have to say goodbye so soon.I’ve been meaning to read this trilogy for years, so thought that lockdown was the best time to get round to it.

Everything moved at a perfect pace, not too slow but not strangely fast. Because, where can I go from here? I stayed up till midnight three days in a row because I had to know what happened. Sa seule... L'ultime espoir. We’d love your help. Angelfall, Tome 2, Angelfall - tome 2 Le Règne des anges, Susan Ee, Pocket Jeunesse. I love them both individually and together.
Filter by post type. Why did I waited so long to read it?

In the beginning, it starts with a single feather drifting slowly down from the sky. Text. That was the world in which  Penryn awoke to. When warrior angels fly away with a helpless little girl, her seventeen-year-old sister Penryn will do anything to get her back.It's been six weeks since angels of the apocalypse descended to demolish the modern world. We’d love your help. Every single one is the perfect touch to create such a great reading. Mais j’ai trouvé malgré tout qu’on allait trop vite d’un endroit à l’autre, d’une intrigue à l’autre. The crazyness of the mother seems to imply some child abuse. angelfall series < > Most recent. De son côté, Penryn est toujours aussi forte et combative, mais on a aussi accès à davantage d’insécurité : la recherche de sa sœur, le fait de la retrouver si différente… Elle est vraiment marquée, à deux doigts de céder au désespoir.Au niveau de l’intrigue, je l’ai trouvé assez légère, pas vraiment consistante… Mais malgré tout addictive, grâce à l’écriture de Susan Ee. *I'm hemming and hawing to myself in regards to how I want to rate this thing.I'm hemming and hawing to myself in regards to how I want to rate this thing. guardian angels. i am living for these stories lately and this is definitely one of the best one i have read. Notamment par le fait que l’héroïne est prête à toute pour protéger sa petite sœur ou le fait d’être envahi par une autre espèce.Malgré tout, Angelfall a réussi à me captiver au fur et à mesure. i am living for these stories lately and this is definitely one of the best one i have read. Set in a dystopian future, "Shatter Me" follows the life of 17-year-old Juliette Ferrars, who has been locked away for a crime she never intended to commit--a crime caused by her peculiar "... Most strong female characters are either weak and annoying or unnecessarily strong. Reality creeps in with the rising dawn, but I'm reluctant to meet it.

I love it so much. Most popular Most recent.

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