Der neue Polizeichef O'Neil soll die Vorfälle untersuchen.Outland - Planet der Verdammten - Trailer (Englisch) Einmal wöchentlich fliegt eine Raumfähre zur Basis-Raumstation, die 70 Stunden entfernt ist. In letzter Zeit häufen sich die Todesfälle unter den Arbeitern. Die Bergleute müssen im Inneren des Planeten in speziell geheizten Raumanzügen schuften. Outland is a 1981 British science fiction thriller film written and directed by Peter Hyams and starring Sean Connery, Peter Boyle, and Frances Sternhagen. Im Jahr 709 n. Chr. Thus quite possibly explaining the unusual similarity between humans and outlanders. It is also interesting to note that the outlanders had considerable information concerning the Earth and its inhabitants. A federal marshal stationed at a mining colony on the Jupiter moon of Io, uncovers a drug-smuggling conspiracy. The concept of Outlander is one that requires your suspension of disbelief, to enjoy it's Sci-Fi/Medieval fusion. Dehumanization is vividly evoked in Philips Harrison’s striking production design and two-time Academy Award® winner John Stears special effects. Extensive large-scale modelwork represents the mine and gigantic spacecraft. Outland looks and sounds like Alien. In einer fernen Zukunft: In einer Bergwergskolonie auf dem Jupitermond Io schürfen galaktische Kumpel nach Titan. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Von den beiden Besatzungsmitgliedern überlebt nur der humanoide Außerirdische Kainan, der sich mithilfe des Bordcomputers rasch über die Bewohner der Umgebung informiert und ihre Sprache zu Verständigungszwecken assimiliert. The outlanders have a tremendous thirst for lands, so they have invaded and conquered many worlds, including the Moorwen Planet, they use powerful weapons and armors fabricated with super strong metal. Outland - Planet der Verdammten ist ein Actionfilm aus dem Jahr 1981 von Peter Hyams mit Sean Connery, Steven Berkoff und James Sikking. Also many of the technicians and set decorators that worked on Alien were on the Outland crew. The outlanders have a tremendous thirst for lands, so they have invaded and conquered many worlds, including the Moorwen Planet, they use powerful weapons and armors fabricated with super strong metal.

Schon bald trifft er in einem zerstörten, abgebrannten Dorf ein, findet jedoch keine Leichen vor. Interestingly Con-Amalgamated (or Con-Am in Outland) have a long history in Peter Hyams films.....they were the company that made the defective life support for the Mars mission in Capricorn One, and were also a company that Peter Boyle worked for in the almost forgotten T.R.Baskin, written … But it's less of a cash-in than a concerted attempt to fit in with the Alien universe of the fairly near future, and matches the high production values. Functional, claustrophobic interior sets with huge chunky airlock doors add to the realism. The forefront of the movie is this life & death game of cat & mouse with an alien monster, around a beautifully recreated Viking village & surrounding rural area , that offers up some great action sequences & top notch visual effects.

Set on Jupiter 's moon Io , it has been described as a space Western , [3] and bears thematic resemblances to the 1952 film High Noon . It would appear that they seeded earth in some fashion, either colonizing it or initially seeding it with life. Die Arbeitsbedingungen sind grausam. He gets no help from the workers or … stürzt ein Raumschiff auf norwegischen Boden. Kurz darauf wird er von einer Gruppe von Wikingern um Wulfric gefangen ge… The Outlanders are a race of humans of the Outlander Planet. ‘OUTLAND’ is a 1981 British science fiction thriller film written and directed by Peter Hyams ‘Timecop’ and ‘2010’ depicts a chilling extension of today’s corporation-driven world. Nur innerhalb der Station kann man sich ohne Anzug bewegen.

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