The helium fusion stops and the hydrogen plies up again, starting the process over.In what sense is a black hole like a hole in the observable universe? Are all neutron stars also pulsars?

It is the point beyond which neither light nor anything else can escape. A) any flattened disk in space, such as the disk of the Milky Way Galaxy. Exceed that critical value, and you’re destined to become a black hole: a region of space where gravitation is so strong that you create an event horizon, and a region from within which nothing can escape. Suppose you are falling into a black hole. (1 solar mass equals 4.4 × 10^33 lbm or 2.0 × 10^33 kg.) How does a black hole form from a massive star? Outside observers will see time run more slowly for you and you will be red shifted. What do we mean by the singularity of a black hole? Singularities are predicted to exist in black holes by Einstein's theory of general relativity, which is a theory that has done remarkably well at matching experimental results. Without that, the best you can do is “smear out” your singularity into a one-dimensional, ring-like object (due to angular momentum), but that still won’t get you a three-dimensional structure. A neutron star is basically an enormous atomic nucleus: a bound-together collection of neutrons more massive than the Sun, but contained in a region of space just a few kilometers across. Neutron stars are one of the end points of stellar evolution and are the final states of stars that begin their lives with considerably more mass than the Sun. A massive star SN typically has a fair amount of hydrogen left in its envelope, or at least in its immediate surroundings.Describe the mass, size, and density of a typical neutron star. The in-falling mass orbits in a disk until it falls on the white dwarf's surface.What is a nova? How will you perceive the passage of your own time?
No matter how fast you move, how quickly you accelerate, or even if you move at the ultimate speed limit of the Universe — the speed of light — you can’t get out. The physical conditions inside the star are quite unusual; the central density is about 1 million times that of water.What happens to the electron speeds in a more massive white dwarf, and how does this behavior lead to a limit on the mass of a white dwarf? How will outside observers see time passing for you?
Describe the process that creates a nova and what a nova looks likeA nova is when a white dwarf gains back enough hydrogen to start fusion again and become a star. Define the event horizon and Schwarzschild radius, and describe the three basic properties of a black hole.A black hole is like a hole in the observable universe as we can not see inside it. The singularity of a black hole is the point inside the event horizon. But if you apply the laws of physics as we know them today, you cannot avoid a singularity. A white dwarf is the hot core of a star, left over after the star uses up its nuclear fuel and dies. It’s possible, beyond that, to imagine another, even denser state: a quark star, where individual quarks (and free gluons) interact with each other, obeying the rule that no two identical quantum particles can occupy the same quantum state.But there’s a key realization in the mechanism that prevents matter from collapsing down to a singularity: forces must be exchanged. How does the size of a white dwarf depend on its mass?White dwarf, in astronomy, a type of star that is abnormally faint for its white-hot temperature (see mass-luminosity relation). The x-ray bursters happen when some neutron stars get enough hydrogen to fuse enough helium to start helium fusion. We think they are produced by supernovae that produces a black hole (also sometimes called a hypernovae) in another galaxy. It is the center of the black hole, a place of infinite density where the known laws of physics cannot describe the conditions. The theories of quantum mechanics and general relativity.

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