The filter sends a boolean

Create a Hook # Create a Hook.
Now let’s take a look at the user-related hooks in the second request that performs the redirection.

As you can see from the graphic above, WordPress calls the 

Here it is important to mention that these two hooks are triggered If you need to perform custom validation/authentication rules, one of the hooks that you can use is the 

It is not called as function within the login process, but it is executed as a callback of the  This hook is an action which means that it primarily acts as an event trigger, instead of a content filter. How do we customize the WordPress login page? Actions allow injecting custom functionality at different points of the code execution.

In this article we are going to discuss the WordPress hooks that are triggered during the user login process. WordPress offers us hooks (functions) that allow us to hook into WordPress and call specific functions during WordPress page cycle.

The Login Form is your gateway to using and configuring the WordPress publishing platform. It controls access to the If you installed WordPress in your website's root directory, your login page is:If you installed WordPress in its own subdirectory, e.g., At the top of login page is the WordPress logo and link, followed by the login form, with:

There are 2 types of hooks,Actions and Filters. Back to These apply for both the login form that is located at For example, if you need to change the expiration date, you could use the

Custom hooks are created and called in the same way that WordPress Core hooks are. In this section we are going to discuss the login hooks that are fired by using the default WordPress login form, assuming a successful login. In WordPress theme and development, Hooks are functions that can be applied to an Action or a Filter in WordPress.

This is another filter that you can use to apply custom validations. That’s why we have created a detailed graphic that will help you understand the sequence of these hooks and how everything comes together.There are two types of hooks in WordPress – actions and filters.

By continuing, you agree to their use. Others are meant for registration, password retrieval, and WordPress Plugins. So far you've seen how to customize WordPress' built-in login page. If you need to add an additional authentication method, you would need to use a priority smaller than 20.

To add styles to the If you have a lot of login page styles, you may want to make your own custom login style sheet. As we already learned, the WordPress login process is quite complex and consists of many different elements.

If your callback returns a Additionally, WordPress allows plugins to overwrite some of the login functions, which could also change the defaul…

Please note that if you are using a third party plugin for your login functionality, the hooks fired might be different. The Much of WordPress login page can be easily changed with WordPress Plugins (To change the WordPress logo to your own, you will need to change the CSS styles associated with this heading: The two separate requests that WordPress makes can sometimes be confusing, especially when you to access the current user object.

Instead, your users will be presented with the login, registration and password recovery pages right within your theme.
The other goes to the front page of your WordPress site. Actions and Filters in WordPress are functions that can be modified by theme and plugin developers to change the default WordPress functionality. Description.

WordPress calls many different actions and filters throughout its sign in process.

If you need to customize the default WordPress login functionality, you will need to understand which hooks are called and at which point of the code execution they are called. That’s because the WordPress authentication callbacks will be executed only when the passed user object is set to  The default WordPress authentication is actually hooked to this filter.

Not by hacking the core files, but by styling it through CSS.

Using a more specific selector in your custom style sheet overrides the above To override that, increase the specificity and include The image to the right shows where several of the hooks can add content.

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